Buz Business Card Directory

Buz Business Card Directory

Buz Business Card Directory Hits the Mark

“Our members have always been comfortable dealing with other members.  We were regularly getting calls asking for referrals. Buz met our need by developing the business card directory.” says Michael Pierce, General Manager, Pitt Meadows Golf Club.

The Business Card Directory is a module included with WebCommunicator.  It was developed at the request of Michael Pierce and has been an unqualified success.  40 club members pay $100 per year each to advertise in the Business Card Directory, more than offsetting the entire cost of WebCommunicator.  More importantly, members of the club are being better served.  “We see the Business Card Directory as important in our efforts at membership retention and origination of new memberships”, says Pierce.

A business directory is a great way to advertise for your members without having to create annoying banners and pop-ups on your site. Your members will have the opportunity to connect and form business relationships with fellow club members, providing access to services by people they can trust.

Click above for online demonstration of the member experience
contact Todd Williams (888-284-9015 x 707 or 416-628-2902) or Jenn Pun (888-284-9015 x 711 or 416-628-2940) for a more detailed demonstration.

To learn more about HOW TO SET UP the Business Directory, see the manual article by clicking HERE.